Restore IBP button to write the configuration saved internally in the VIOM database to the IBP module.
Delete Configuration
blade server only (switch or switch slot selected)
If you select a slot for an I/O connection blade and the slot has the empty slot, wrong model, or stacking error state, you can use the Delete Configuration button to delete the configuration saved internally in the VIOM database.
Video Redirection
PRIMERGY rack server and server blades
Opens a new window where the console output of the server is shown.
5.3.3 Ext. LAN Connections tab
On the Ext. LAN Connections tab, you configure the LAN modules with the external devices. Two tabs are available for doing this. It is only enabled if a single blade server is selected in the server list.
•Graphic tab
This tab schematically displays the connection blades (IBPs) and ports. Using this tab, you can create new network definitions, modify or delete definitions as well as copy definitions from one connection blade to another one.
•Details tab
This tab contains a table with the present definitions. Using this tab, you can create new network definitions, or modify and delete existing ones.
Also on this tab, you find the Copy Configuration button for copying all net- works of a chassis. For more information see section "Copying con- figuration" on page 288 tab on Ext. LAN Connections tab
The Graphic tab contains a schematic display of the I/O connection blades and ports. Using this tab, you can create new network definitions, edit or
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