Add another network
Network Name
meaningful name of the network.
The unique VLAN number of the network specified above. The VLAN ID must be assigned uniquely within a shared uplink set.
Native VLAN
Defines a network as native VLAN. All packages that do not contain a VLAN ID will be allowed through this connection.
Service VLAN
Defines a network as service VLAN.
Isolate mode
You activate the isolate mode via Isolate mode. With isolate mode acti- vated, server blades in the same chassis that use the same network can- not communicate with each other, but only with an external device though the uplinks.
This checkbox is not shown if the connection blade does not support iso- late mode.
Add button
Adds the virtual LAN network to the table below.
You can also define a network as a native VLAN or service VLAN and set the isolate mode in the table retrospectively:
Native VLAN
Select the checkbox in the corresponding row under Native VLAN in the table to define a network as a native VLAN.
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