15.3 Creating diagnostic data
On a Windows operating system this is typically the directory C:\Program Files\Fujitsu\ServerView Suite\plugins\viom\Manager.
Please modify the line StartOptions= by adding the option
The trace file of the ServerView
<ServerView Suite>\plugins\viom\Manager\logs\viom-manager.log
To also get full trace information from the module that configures connection blades such as IBP 10/6, IBP 30/12, SB11A or SB11, add the debug option trace,driverdbg to this line:
The ServerView
The ServerView
The maximum number of log files can be changed by editing the file man- log4j.properties in the directory:
<ServerView Suite>\plugins\viom\Manager.
In some cases it might be necessary to increase the number of log files in order to keep trace information for a longer period of time. If so, please modify the line log4j.appender.DebugAppender.MaxBackupIndex=25 and set the property MaxBackupIndex to an appropriate value. Depending on the amount of requests sent to the
The property MaxFileSize should not be increased, because it might make it difficult to load files into an editor.
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