Video Products and Services
Desktop Conferencing Systems
Many meetings involve just two or three individuals who need to share informa- tion — whether it be text, data, graphics, or some other form of information. And with larger teams of people, these individuals may be separated in locations around the country or the world. They have the same need to meet strategic objectives, shorten project cycle time, and improve working relationships with project partners. These needs can also be satisfied through visual communica- tions.
To satisfy these requirements, integrated telephone and PC visual communica- tions systems are available. These desktop conferencing systems use
Monitors and cameras create a unique desktop environment that provides you and your business with the following benefits:
■Software application screens and data can be called up, shared, changed, and annotated by video conferees while they hold a video conference.
■Geographically separated people are brought together along with the data and information they need to share at the desktop.
■Major obstacles to creative collaboration and situations that are
■Desktop workers can communicate with others who are using desktop conferencing or the Lucent Technologies Group Video System.
■Desktop workers can communicate with other systems supporting the
■Your DEFINITY ECS system is converted into a solution for all your communication requirements — voice, data, and video.
MultiPoint Control Unit
When connecting more than two video endpoints, you can use the MultiPoint Control Unit to set up and conduct multipoint video conferences. This is a
The MultiPoint Control Unit can operate behind any DEFINITY Communications System or can be directly connected to the network. The MultiPoint Control Unit can support from 4 to 64 ports in
Issue 5 January 1998 |