DEFINITY ECS Release 6 — CallVisor PC ASAI Installation and Reference, Issue 3,
Provides procedural and reference information for installers, Tier 3 support personnel, and application designers.
DEFINITY ECS Release 6 — Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Agent Instructions, Issue 5,
Provides information for use by agents after they have completed ACD training. Includes descriptions of ACD features and the procedures for using them.
DEFINITY ECS Release 6 — Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Supervisor Instructions, Issue 4,
Provides information for use by supervisors after they have completed ACD training. Includes descriptions of ACD features and the procedures for using them.
Call Detail Recording
Call Detail Acquisition & Processing Reference, Issue 2, 555-006-202
Provides a general technical description of the ECS call detail recording feature and of the products that collect, store, poll, and process call records.
Console Operations
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 1 and Generic 3 Console Operations, Issue 3,
Provides operating instructions for the attendant console. Included are descriptions of the console control keys and functions,
DEFINITY ECS Release 6 — Console Operations Quick Reference, Issue 3 ,
Provides operating instructions for the attendant console. Included are descriptions of the console control keys and functions, call handling, basic
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