Basic Features
Recorded Telephone Dictation Access
Allows telephone users, including Remote Access and incoming tie trunk users, to access dictation equipment. The dictation equipment is accessed by dialing an access code or extension number. The start/stop function can be voice or dial controlled. Other functions such as initial activation and playback are controlled by additional dial codes.
Remote Access
Permits authorized callers from remote locations to access the system via the public network and then use its features and services.There are a variety of ways of accessing the feature. After gaining access, you hear a system dial tone, and, for system security, may be required to dial a barrier code.
Restriction — Controlled
Allows an attendant or telephone user with console permission to activate and deactivate for an individual telephone or a group of telephones the following restrictions: outward, total,
Ringback Queuing
Places calls in an ordered queue (first in, first out) when all trunks are busy. The telephone user who is trying to make a call is automatically called back when a trunk becomes available, and hears a distinctive
Ringer Cutoff
Allows the user of a
Ringing — Abbreviated and Delayed
Allows you to manually or automatically assign one of four ring types to each call appearance on a telephone. Whatever treatment you assign to a call appearance is automatically assigned to each of its bridged call appearances.
Issue 5 January 1998 |