Glossary and Abbreviations
Service Profile Identifier
See ACD work mode.
split condition
A condition whereby a caller is temporarily separated from a connection with an attendant. A split condition automatically occurs when the attendant, active on a call, presses the start button.
split number
The split’s identity to the switch and BCMS.
split report
A report that provides historical traffic information for internally measured splits.
split (agent) status report
A report that provides
Standard serial interface
Station service
Stratum 3 clock board
Indicates that an agent position is logged in. A staffed agent functions in one of four work modes:
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)
An obsolete term now called CDR — a switch feature that uses software and hardware to record call data. See Call Detail Recording (CDR).
standard serial interface (SSI)
A communications protocol developed for use with
status lamp
A green light that shows the status of a call appearance or a feature button by the state of the light (lit, flashing, fluttering, broken flutter, or unlit).
stroke counts
A method used by ACD agents to record up to nine
Any kind of telephone switching system. See also communications system.
Issue 5 January 1998 |