Line Lockout
Listed Directory Number
Allows outside callers to access your attendant group in two ways, depending on the type of trunk used for the incoming call. You can allow attendant group access via incoming direct inward dial trunks, or you can allow attendant group access via incoming central office) and foreign exchange trunks.
Loudspeaker Paging Access
Provides attendants and telephone users dial access to voice paging equipment. As many as nine paging zones can be provided by the system and one zone can be provided that activates all zones at the same time. (A zone is the location of the loudspeakers — for example, conference rooms, warehouses, or store- rooms.) A user can activate this feature by dialing the trunk access code of the desired paging zone, or the access codes can be entered into Abbreviated Dial- ing Lists. Once you have activated this feature, you can simply speak into the handset to make the announcement.
Deluxe Loudspeaker Paging Access (called Deluxe Paging) provides attendants and telephone users with integrated access to
Manual Message Waiting
Manual Originating Line Service