The system makes it easy for you to generate a wide variety of accounting and system reports. For example, the Facility Grade of Service Report helps identify the number of number of trunk lines needed to respond efficiently to incoming calls. You can also generate toll fraud reports and alarms that identify excessive personal calls, unauthorized calls, and calls to expensive
INTUITY Call Accounting System
If you are using any of the INTUITY voice messaging products, the INTUITY Call Accounting System is probably best call accounting solution for you. The system works exclusively with INTUITY products, which reside on MAP/40 or MAP/100 computers. (For more information on INTUITY products, see Chapter 9, "Voice Processing Solutions".) Offering many of same features as the Call Accounting System for Windows (described in the previous section), the system also serves to help integrate your INTUITY applications.
You can use the INTUITY Call Accounting System to optimize DEFINITY ECS sys- tem resources, detect toll fraud, and allocate costs. More creative applications of the system’s reporting capabilities include:
■Measuring response of advertising campaigns by assigning an account number for the media (radio, television, etc.) that prompted incoming calls.
■Increasing productivity by tracking the costs of telemarketing and customer service calls
■Detecting and finding the cause of abandoned calls
The system can handle up to 500 extensions.
Besides the toll fraud detection options available with DEFINITY Call Accounting Systems (described in the previous section), DEFINITY ECS includes many other security features, some of which are an integral part of the system design.
Security Violation Notification
Security violation notification identifies potential hackers’ attempts to access the DEFINITY ECS. It notifies you when the number of invalid
A monitor report displays the last 16 invalid
Issue 5 January 1998 |