258 Chapter 8 Reports
High abandon callers Why did the callers hang up?
1. Check the Average Delay to Abandon statistic. Did the callers hang up
because they were impatient? Did callers wait a long time in queue?
Were agent talk times excessive during this time? If so, why?
2. In Data Mining=>Auditor, re-run the interval to see exactly what each
agent was doing.
3. Generate the Queue ANI Abandon report and then call back the
customers to determine why they abandoned their calls.
A high requeue count
(because it decreases
the Average Speed of
Answer time and the
Service Level)
Are agents forgetting to set themselves as Unavailable on their telephone sets
before they leave their desks?
• Check the Agent Group Performance by Period report to see which
agents are experiencing requeues. Remind agents to use the
Unavailable option.
Table 8-2: Solving problems with agent reports
What do I
watch for in the
agent reports?
How do I find the source of the problem and resolve it?
Extremely high or low
performance statistics
Do some agents perform 20-30% worse than other agents?
1. Silent monitor agents periodically to ensure they are properly trained to
handle callers' needs, and are not chatting unnecessarily.
2. Check Outbound or Non-ACD statistics for peg counts and times.
Generate an Agent Inbound or Outbound Trace report to see a list of all
calls. Are agents spending too much time on personal calls?
Do some agents perform 20-30% better than other agents?
1. High ACD/Non-ACD/Outbound call counts is not a problem if agents are
maintaining high Service Levels. Silently monitor agents periodically to
ensure they are providing a high quality of service, but not rushing callers.
2. Check the ACD Call Count <20 seconds statistic in the Agent Event by
Period report. Not many voice transactions can occur in less than 20
seconds. This could indicate that agents are “padding” their ACD handle
statistics by prematurely terminating calls.
Table 8-1: Solving problems with queue reports
What do I watch
for in the queue
How do I find the source of the problem and resolve it?