ACD Inspector 297
5. Under Queue information, type *00.
In this example, you are searching for all of the queues that end in “00”.
6. Under Queue event, select Queue stats.
7. Under Agent information, type 0-2 agents.
In this example, you want to know when you have only two agents scheduled to answer the queue.
8. Under Calls waiting setting, select 0-999 Local calls waiting.
In this example, you want to know the number of calls waiting on the telephone system to which your
agent is connected. If you have only one telephone system, you do not have any remote calls waiting.
9. Under Longest waiting settings, select 1-3 minutes.
In this example, you want to know the number of local calls that waited between 1-3 minutes. You
think waiting up to a minute is acceptable, so you did not search for calls less than a minute. If you
have only one telephone system, you do not search for the remote longest waiting.
10. Click Start search.
The ACD Inspector results - Agent events tab opens.
11. Click the Queue events tab.
See Figure 10-8.
Figure 10-8 ACD Wild card search results - Queue events tab