Viewing adherence monitors in Contact Center Client 539
Table 18-3 Adherence Detail Grid monitor headings
To open the Adherence Detail Grid monitor
1. Click View=>Real time to view the Contact Center Client real-time monitor icons.
2. Click the Adherence icon and select Detail Grid.
The Adherence Detail Grid monitor opens.
See Figure 18-7.
3. Under Schedules, select a schedule to include in the monitor or under Employees, select the
employees to monitor.
4. Click OK.
Heading Definition
Employee the name of the employee being monitored
Is in Adherence the check box is enabled when the employee is adhering to the schedule
Scheduled the type of event (shift, break, or job) the employee is performing, whether
in or out of adherence
Expected States the employee states that are relevant for the type of scheduled activity the
employee is scheduled to perform
Actual State the current employee state. If this is one of the expected states, the
employee is adhering to the schedule
Scheduled Start the time at which the employee is scheduled to start the scheduled activity
Actual Start the time at which the employee started the scheduled activity. This column
may be blank if the employee has not come into adherence for the
scheduled event
Scheduled End the time at which the scheduled event is to end
Current Out Of Adherence the amount of time the employee has been out of adherence for the
scheduled activity. This column will be blank if the employee is adhering to
the schedule
Total Out Of Adherence the total amount of time the employee has been out of adherence for all
scheduled activities for the current shift
Shift Time the duration of time the employee has been working the current shift
% Out Of Adherence the percent of time the employee has been out of adherence for the
elapsed portion of the scheduled shift
Shift the name of the shift for which the employee is scheduled
Embedded the name of the embedded event type (break or job)
Start the time at which the employee went out of adherence
End the time at which the employee came back into adherence