GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 9
Technician Handbook for Hospitality Installations
555-231-743 Issue 1
November 2000
Translations and Testing
109Miscellaneous Translations
vip-chkin (VIP Check In) (the Custom Selection of DID Numbers feature
must be enabled; see page 143)
did-remove (DID Remove) (the Automatic Selection of DID Numbers
feature must be enabled; see page 143).
Figure 26 shows the recommended button layout for the eight display buttons.
These buttons are assigned on Page 3 of the Attendant Console screen.
Figure 26. Console Buttons for Display Features
The display buttons are administered with the following button types (button labels
shown in parentheses):
normal (Normal Mode)
inspect (Inspect Mode)
cov-msg-rt (Cover Msg Rt)
next (Next)
delete-msg (Delete)
call-disp (Call)
date-time (Date Time)
timer (Timer).
Mode Inspect
Mode Delete Timer
MsgRt Next Call