GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 9
Technician Handbook for Hospitality Installations
555-231-743 Issue 1
November 2000
Translations and Testing
161Switch-to-INTUITY Translations
Assign an Ethernet Data Module
Use the add data-module command to administer an ethernet data module. If
you are changing options on an existing data module, you must disable th e link
before you make any changes.
Data Extension — Use an unassigned extension number.
Type — Enter ethernet.
Port — Enter the equipment location of the C-LAN circuit pack. For the
ethernet link, you will always use circuit number 17.
Link — Select a TCP/IP link number (1-25 for
, 1-33 for
). For most
systems, use link 1. This entry is also used on the Processor Channel
Name — Enter a name for the data module. This name will display when
you list the assigned data modules.
BCC — A display-only field.
Network uses 1’s for Broadcast Address — This sets the host
portion of the IP address to 0’s or 1’s. The default is yes (all 1’s). Use the
default for this installation.
add data-module 2000 Page 1 of 1
Data Extension: 2000 Name: ethernet data module
Type: ethernet
Port: 01A0217
Link: 1
Network uses 1’s for Broadcast Addresses? y