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Required Monitor and Display Card
A color monitor is required for color work. Your monitor should be at least 12 inches or larger; the monitor on a PowerBook is also acceptable. (You can not see all of the information box for an image on a 12-inch Apple monitor.) You need the appropriate display card for the monitor in use; we recommend an 8-bit or 24-bit video display card. An 8-bit card can display 256 colors, while a 24-bit card can display more than 16.7 million colors. (Neither the amount of data stored for each image, nor the quality of any printed output, is affected by the monitor or card in use.) If you do not have a 24-bit display card, the software automatically dithers the display data to achieve the best looking image.
Required Systems Software
Apple System software version 7.0, 7.1, 7.1.2, or 7.5 and 32-Bit QuickDraw software. (If you are using System 7.0 or System 7.0.1 you should use the System Tuner version 1.1.1 or later, or consider upgrading to System 7.1 or 7.5.)
Required Applications Software
Adobe Photoshop, 2.0, 2.5, or 3.01.
SCSI Terminators
Appropriate SCSI terminator(s), as required for your computer system.