. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
| Trouble | Possible Cause | Suggested Solution | |
| |
You have obtained and | The new BIN file is in | Place the BIN file in the same | ||
installed a new BIN file | the wrong location. | location as the driver. | ||
and clicked Update |
| ||
Camera Firmware in the |
| ||
You have more than one | Remove older BIN files from their | |||
Control Panel but the | ||||
camera back firmware | DCS 465 BIN file in the | current location on your hard | ||
shows the old version | correct location on your | disk, then update firmware again. | ||
number. | hard disk. |
| ||
| |
| Acquired images are | With a mechanically | Do not try to take a new picture | |
| distorted. | tripped camera, you are | until the previous image has been | |
| taking pictures in rapid | completely written to the | |
| succession and light | PCMCIA card — that is, until the | |
| from one image is | red card busy light on the camera | |
| distorting the previous | back stops blinking. | |
| image before the |
| |
| previous image has been |
| |
| written completely to |
| |
| the PCMCIA card. |
Colors in the acquired | The Higher Color |
image are distorted. | Saturation setting may |
| not be set properly for |
| this image. |
Change the Higher Color Saturation setting on the driver image window Control Panel. (If the setting is off, turn it on, and if it is on, turn it off.) Then try again.