. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
| Message | Possible Cause | Suggested Solution |
| “Command failure: | A problem has occurred | Restart your computer and try |
| Unable to free resource | with Windows. | again. |
| from global memory.” |
| If this does not resolve the |
| |
| problem, obtain technical |
| support from your Windows |
| supplier. |
“Connect the battery charger, if it is not already connected, and wait 3 minutes.
“If the charger is already connected, then wait 3 minutes before Downloading Firmware.”
The battery does not have enough power to update the camera back firmware.
Allow the camera back battery to charge for three minutes from the AC battery charger/adapter, and then click Update Camera Firmware again.
“Could not acquire this | You have tried to acquire |
image because | a blank image, or an |
informational data was | image that has been |
invalid.” | corrupted. |
Blank images cannot be acquired. Work with another image.
If it is not a blank image, you may not be able to acquire this image.
“Could not save any images. All images had bad informational data.”
You have tried to save a blank image, or an image that has been corrupted.
Blank images cannot be saved to an archive folder. Work with another image.
If it is not a blank image, you may not be able to acquire this image.
“Data transfer from | There has been an |
DCSxxx is incomplete.” | interruption in data |
| transfer between the |
| camera back and the |
| computer. |
Verify that the SCSI cable is connected properly between the camera back and the computer. If not, turn both off, reconnect them, and try again.
“DCS (Digital Camera | The camera back and the |
System) has been | computer have been |
disconnected.” | disconnected. |
Turn off the camera back and the computer, reconnect them, and try again.