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Image Archive Folders
Images saved to the PC hard disk by clicking COPY TO FOLDER or MOVE TO FOLDER from within the driver supplied by Kodak should be read only with that driver (see the “Important” paragraph below). One archive file on the PC hard disk is created for each image and for each sound file copied or moved to the computer hard disk. In addition to image data, an archive file includes a thumbnail for its image, and all data from its “INFO” box.
Color and monochrome images in these archive files are composed of uninterpolated data; they have not been “acquired” into your application. This means they contain the 6 megabytes (MB) of data generated from the array in the camera back and stored on the DCS 465 Camera Back PCMCIA card. If you use the driver to interpolate a single image by acquiring it into your
IMPORTANT: Do not open image archive files (files that you create by copying/ moving images to the PC hard disk) with image software and then resave the data with the same filename. The image files you copied/moved contain several sections — one section with a TIFF version of the thumbnail, and then another section with the image data. When you open the file, only the TIFF thumbnail is opened, and if saved, only the thumbnail is saved — not the image data. For this reason, you should only open these files from within the driver image window using the CHANGE FOLDER button as described later in this chapter; this will ensure that you obtain the image data as well as the thumbnail.
Reference — KODAK Drivers for