. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Message | Possible Cause | Suggested Solution |
“Error reading from | An unusual condition is |
Source Archive folder.” | detected when reading |
| from an archive folder |
| on your computer hard |
| disk. |
You will not be able to access images from this file.
“Firmware download | There may be one of a | Shut down the computer and |
failed. Check SCSI bus.” | variety of problems, | disconnect the camera back from |
| including loose or | the computer and the AC battery |
| incorrect cables, | charger/adapter. Check all SCSI |
| improper SCSI | connections and cables. |
| configuration, and so | Reconnect your equipment, |
| on. | restart, and try again. |
There is an unusual condition with the driver for Photoshop.
Choose the driver again from the Acquire submenu. If the problem recurs, shut down your Macintosh computer; restart the computer and Photoshop, and try the driver again.
If the condition persists, delete the KODAK DCS 465 file from your computer hard disk, and install a new copy of the same file as described in “Installing the KODAK Driver . . .” in chapter 4.
Reference — KODAK Driver for Adobe Photoshop (Macintosh) Software G