11.3 *KINEMATIC COUPLING: Constrain all or specific degrees of freedom of a set of
nodes to the rigid body motion of a reference node.
This option is used to impose constraints between degrees of freedom of a node or node set and the rigid body
motion defined by a reference node. The pre ferred method of providing a kinematic constraint of this type is
the *COUPLING option used in conjunction with the *KINEMATIC option.
Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Type: Model data
Level: Part, Part instance, Assembly
•“Kinematic constraints: overv iew,”Section 28.1.1 o f the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual
Required parameter:
Set this parameter equal to either the node number of the reference node or the nam e of a node set
containingthe reference node. Ifthe name of a node set is chosen, the node set must containexactly
one node.
Optional parameter:
Set this parameter equal to the name given to the *ORIENTATION definition (“Orientations,”
Section 2.2.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual) that specifies t he initial orientation of the
local system in which the constrained degrees of freedom are defined.
Data lines to specify the nodes and degrees of freedom to be constrained:
First line:
1. Nodenumber or node set label.
2. First degree of freedom constrained. See “Conventions,” Section 1.2.2 of the
ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual, for a definition of the numbe ring of degrees of freedom
in ABAQUS/Standard. If this field is left blank, all degrees of freedom will be constrained.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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