Second line if the active degrees of freedom are differentat subsequent nodes:
1. Enterthe positi on in the connectivity list (node position on the element) where the new list of
active degrees of freedom first applies.
2. Enterthe new list of active degrees of freedom.
Repeat the second data line as often as necessary.
Introducing a general user-defined element
“User-defined elements,” Section 26.15.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’sManual
“UEL,” Section 1.1.19 of the ABAQUS User SubroutinesReference Manual
Required parameters:
Set this parameter equal to the element type key used to identify this element on the *ELEMENT
option. The format of this type key must be Un,wherenis a positive integer less than 10000. To
use this element type, set TYPE=Unon the *ELEMENT option.
Set this parameter equal to the number of nodes associated with an element of this type.
Optional parameters:
Set this parameter equal to the maximum number of coordinates needed in user subroutineUEL at
any node point of the element. ABAQUS/Standard assigns space to store the coordinate values at
all the nodes associated with elements ofthis type. Thedefault is COORDINATES=1.
ABAQUS/Standard will change the value of COORDINATES to be the maximum of the
user-specified value of the COORDINATESparameter or the value of the largest active degree of
freedom of the user element that is less than or equal to 3. For example, if COORDINATES=1and
the active degrees of freedom of the user element are 2, 3, and 6, the value of COORDINATES
will be changed to 3. If COORDINATES=2 and theactive degrees of freedom of the user element
are 11 and 12, the value of COORDINATESwill remain as 2.
Set this parameter equal to the number of integerproperty values needed as data in user subroutine
UEL to define such an element. The de fault is I PROPERTIES=0.
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