Required parameter:
Set this parameter equal to a label that will be used to refer to the section control definition. All
section control names in the same input file must be unique.
Optional parameters:
This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Explicit analyses.
Set DISTORTION CONTROL=YES to activate a constraint that acts to prevent negative
element volumes or other excessive distortion for crushable ma terials. This is the default value
for elements with hyperelastic or hyperfoam materials. The DISTORTION CONTROL parameter
is not relevant for linear kinematics and cannot prevent elements from being distorted due to
temporal instabilities, hourglass instabilities, or physically unrealis tic deformation.
Set DISTORTION CONTROL=NO to deactivate a constraint that acts to prevent negative
element volumes or other excessive distortion for crushable materials. This value is the default
except for elements with hyperelastic or hyperfoam materials.
In ABAQUS/Explicit this parameter applies to all elements wi th progressive damage behavior
except connector elements. In ABAQUS/Standard this parameter applies to cohesive elements,
connector elements, and elements with plane stress formulations (plane stress, shell, continuum
shell, and membrane elements).
Set ELEMENT DELETION=YES to allow element deletionwhen the elem enthas com pletely
damaged. This value is the default for al le lements with a damage evolution model. How ever,this
value is not applicable to pore pressurecohesive elements.
Set ELEMENT DELETION=NO to allow fully damaged elements to remain in the
computations. The element retains a residual stiffness given by the specified value of MAX
DEGRADATION. In addition, elements with three-dimensional stress states (including
generalized plane strain elements) can sustainhydrostatic compressive stresses, and elements with
one-dimensional stress states can sustain compressive stresses. This value is the default for pore
pressure cohesive elements and is not availablefor beam elem ents.
Set HOURGLASS=COMBINED to define the viscous-stiffnessform of hourglass control for solid
and membrane elements with reduced integration in ABA QUS/Explicit.
Set HOURGLASS=ENHANCED (default for elements with hyperelastic and hyperfoam
materials in ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit; default in ABAQUS/Standard and only
option in ABAQUS/Explicit for modified tetrahedral or triangula r elements) to define hourglass
control that is based on the assumed enhanced strain method for solid, membrane, finite-strain
shell elements with reduced integration and modified tetrahedral or triangular elements in
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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