2. Y-coordinate of the first point defining the reflection plane.
3. Z-coordinate of the first point defining the reflection plane.
4. X-coordinate of the second point defining the reflection plane (point bin Figure 14.1–3).
5. Y-coordinate of the second point defining the reflection plane.
6. Z-coordinate of the second point defining the reflection plane.
Second line:
1. X-coordinate of the third point defining the reflection plane (point cin Figure 14.1–3).
2. Y-coordinate of the third point defining the reflection plane.
3. Z-coordinate of the third point defining the reflection plane.
Data line if REFLECT=POINT:
First (and only) line:
1. X-coordinate of the reflection point (point ain Figure 14.1–4).
2. Y-coordinate of the reflection point.
3. Z-coordinate of the reflection point.
Data line if the POLE parameter is included:
First (and only) line:
1. Number of the pole node (optional: it must have been defined already).
2. X-coordinate of the pole node (point ain Figure 14.1–5, only required if the pole node number
was not entered).
3. Y-coordinate of the pole node (only required if the pole node number was not entered).
4. Z-coordinate of the pole node (only required if the pole node number was not entered).
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