to read for any node is based on the maximum num ber of field variable values for all the nodes in
the model. These trailing initial values will be zero and will not be used in the analysis.
Repeat this setof data lines as often as necessary to define initial temperatures at various nodes or node
No data lines are required for TYPE=FIELD,VARIABLE=n,FILE=file,STEP=step,INC=inc.
First line:
1. Nodeset or node number of fluid cavity reference node.
2. Fluid pressure.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define initial fluid pressure forvarious fluid-filled cavities.
Data lines to prescribe initial equivalentplastic strain or backstresses using TYPE=HARDENING
if the REBAR, SECTION POINTS, and USER parameters are omitted:
First line:
1. Elementnum beror elem ent set label.
2. Initial equivalent plastic strain, .
3. Firstvalue of the initial backstress, . (Only releva nt for the kinematic hardening models.)
4. Secondvalue of the initial backstress, . (Onlyrelevant for the kinematic hardening models.)
5. Etc.,up to six backstress components. (Onlyrelevant for the kinematic hardening models.)
Give the backstress components as defined for this element type in Part VI, “Elements,” of the
ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual. Values given on the data lines are applied uniformlyover the
element. In any element for which an *ORIENTATIONoption applies, backstresses must be given
in the local system (“Orientations,” Section2.2.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User ’sManual).
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the hardening parameters for various elements or
element sets.
Data lines to prescribe initial volumetriccompacting plastic strain for the crushable foam model
First line:
1. Elementnum beror elem ent set label.
2. Initial volumetric compacting plastic strain, .
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the initial volumetric compacting plastic strainfor
various elements or element sets.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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