3. Y-coordinate of the point to which this control node is to be mapped.
4. Z-coordinate of the point to which this control node is to be mapped.
Second line:
1. Nodenumber of the second control node.
2. X-coordinate of the point to which this control node is to be mapped.
3. Y-coordinate of the point to which this control node is to be mapped.
4. Z-coordinate of the point to which this control node is to be mapped.
Continue, giving up to 20 control nodes, but giving at least the eight corner nodes. If an edge of the
blendedmapping is to be mapped linearly, the corresponding mid-edge control node can be omitted from
the list. This is done by inserting a line with node number 0 only (a blank line) in place of the definition
of the control node and its mapped coordinates. The control nodes do not have to be nodes in thefinite
element model—they can be nodes used just formesh generation. ABAQUSeliminates any nodes that
are not used in the analysis model before doing the analysis.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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