Required parameter for anisotropicmaterials optional parameter for isotropic materials:
Set this parameter equal to the name given for the *ORIENTATION option (“Orientations,”
Section 2.2.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual) to be used to define a local coordinate
system for material calculations in the elements in this set. This parameter is required when the
material is anisotropic.
For a composite solid this orientation, together with the orientation angle spec ified on the layer
data lines, can also be used to define the material orientations in the individual layers . Alternatively,
amaterial orientation can be specified by referencing an orientation definition on each layer data line.
In this case the reference given on the ORIENTATIONp arameter is ignored. Any layer definition
line that doesnot have an orientation reference or an angle specified will use the section orientation
defined on the keyword line.
Optional parameters:
In an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis, set this parameter equal to the name of a section controls
definition (see “Section controls,” Section21.1.4 of the ABAQUS Analysis User ’sManual) to be
used to specify a nondefault hourglass control formulation option o r scale factor. The *SECTION
CONTROLS option can be used to select the hourglass control and order of accuracy of the
formulation for two- and three-dimensional solidelem ents and to selectthe kinematic form ulation
for 8-node brick elements.
In an ABAQUS/Standard analysis, set this parameter equal to thenam e of a sectioncontrols
definition (see “Section controls,” Section 21.1.4 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual) to
be used to specify the enhanced hourglass control formulation or to be used in a subsequent
ABAQUS/Explicit import analysis.
This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Standard analys es.
This parameter can be used only with composite elements. It defines the stacking direction
with respect to a pair ofelem ent faces. Set this parameter equal to 1, 2, or 3. The default is STACK
This parameter can be used only with acoustic infinite elements in ABAQUS/Explicit. It defines
the number of ninth-order polynomials that will be used to resolve the variationof the acoustic field
in the infinite direction. Set this parameter equal to Nto indicate that the first Nmembers of the set
of ninth-order polynomials are to be used. The default is ORDER=10, which is the value always
used in ABAQUS/Standard.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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