be at least 3, except in a pure heat transfer analysis, where the number of integration points
can be 1 for a constant temperature through the shell thickness.
Data lines to define a composite shell (the COMPOSITEparameter is included):
First line:
1. Layerthickness. Thisvalue is modified if the NODAL THICKNESS parameter is included.
2. Number of integration points to be used thr ough the layer. The defau lt is three points if
Simpson’s rule is used and two points if Gauss quadrature is used. The nu mber of integration
points must be an odd number for Simpson’s rule and, in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis,
determines the number of temperature degrees of f reedom at a node of the element if this
section is associated with heat transfer or coupled temperature-displacement elements. This
number must be less than or equal to 7 for Gauss quadrature.
3. Name of them aterial formingthis layer.
4. Name of the orientation to be used with this layer or the orientation angle, , (in degrees)
measured positive counterclockwise relative to the orientation definition given with the
ORIENTATIONparameter, where . If the ORIENTATION parameter is
not included, is measured relative to the default shell local directions (see “Orientations,”
Section 2.2.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual).
Repeat this data line as often as necessary. Use one data line for each layerof the shell. The order of
the laminated shell layerswith respect to the positive direction of the shell normal is defined by the order
of the data lines.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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