3. Valueof the translation to be applied in the global Z-direction.
Enter values of zero to apply a pure rotation.
Second line:
1. GlobalX-coordinate of point aon th e axis of rotation (see Figure 18.45–1).
2. GlobalY-coordinate of p oint aon the axis of rotation.
3. GlobalZ-coordinate o f point aon the axis of rotation.
4. GlobalX-coordinate of pointbon the axis of r otation.
5. GlobalY-coordinate of p oint bon the axis of rotation.
6. GlobalZ-coordinate o f point bon the axis of rotation.
7. Angle of rotation about the axis a–b, in degrees.
Data lines to translate and/or reflect a substructure:
First line:
1. Valueof the translation to be applied in the global X-direction.
2. Valueof the translation to be applied in the global Y-direction.
3. Valueof the translation to be applied in the global Z-direction.
Enter values of zero to apply a pure reflection.
Second line:
1. Entera blank line.
Third line:
1. GlobalX-coordinate of point ain the p lane of reflection (see Figure 18.45–2).
2. GlobalY-coordinate of pointain the plane of re flection.
3. GlobalZ-coordinate of p oint ain the plane of reflection.
4. GlobalX-coordinate of poi nt bin the plane of reflection.
5. GlobalY-coordinate of pointbin the plane of reflect ion.
6. GlobalZ-coordinate of p oint bin the plane of reflection.
Fourth line:
1. GlobalX-coordinate of poi nt cin the plane of reflection.
2. GlobalY-coordinate of pointcin the plane of reflect ion.
3. GlobalZ-coordinate of p oint cin the plane of reflection.
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