Optional parameter for use when the MATERIAL,the COMPOSITE, and the USER parameters
are omitted:
Set this parameter equal to the number of field variable dependencies included in the definition of
the scaling moduli, in addition to temperature. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the
moduli are constant or depend only on temperature.
Data line if the MATERIALparameter is included:
First (and only) line:
1. Shellthickne ss. This value is ignored if the NODAL THICKNESS parame ter is included.
Data lines if the COMPOSITE parameter is included:
First line:
1. Layerthickness. Thisvalue is scaled if the NODAL THICKNESS parameter is included.
2. This field is not used (any value given will be ignored). I t is included for compatibility with
the *SHELL SECTION option.
3. Name of them aterial formingthis layer.
4. Orientation angle, , (in degrees) measured positive counterclockwise relative to the
orientation definition given with the ORIENTATION parameter, where .
If the ORIENTATION parameter is not included, is measured relative to the default shell
local directions (see “Conventions,”Section 1.2.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual).
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the layers of the shell. The order of the laminated
shell layers with respect to the positivedirection of the shell normal is defined by the order of the data
Data lines to define the shell section if the MATERIAL,the COMPOSITE, and the USER
parameters are omitted:
First line:
1. Symmetric half of the m atrix in the order ,,,,,,,..., ,
,..., ,..., ,...,
Repeat this data line three times. Enter 21 entries total, 8 per line.
Second line (optional):
1. vector ( ,, ..., ).
Third line (optional):
1. Y, scaling modulus for . The defa ult is1 .0.
2. , scaling modulus for . The default is 0.0.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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