Data lines if the GENERATE parameter is omitted:
First line:
1. Listof ti me points; the points must be arranged in ascending order.
Repeat this dataline as often as necessary. Upto eight entries are allowed per line. If you use the *TIME
POINTS option in conjunction with the *DIRECT CYCLIC option,the listed time points must include the
starting time and ending time in a single loadingcycle. Thetime points must be specified in the step time.
Data lines if the GENERATEparameter is included:
First line:
1. Starting time point.
2. Endingti me point, which must be later than the starting time point.
3. Incrementin time between the two specified time points.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary. If you use the *TIMEPOINTS option in conjunction with the
*DIRECT CYCLIC option, the listedtime points must include the starting time and ending time in a single
loading cycle. The time points must be specified in the step time.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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