3. Verticalcoordinate corresponding to the above val ue.
4. Secondvalue of vertical component of (effective) stress.
5. Verticalcoordinate corresponding to the above val ue.
6. Firstcoefficient of lateral stress. This coefficient defines the x-direction stress com ponents.
7. Second coefficient of lateral stress. This c oefficient defines the y-direction stress component
in three-dimensional cases and the thickness or hoop direction com ponent in plane or
axisymmetric cases. If this value is omitted, it is assumed to be thesam e as the firstlateral
stress coefficient given in the previous field.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define an initial geostatic stresss tatein various elements
or element sets.
Data lines for TYPE=STRESS, REBAR:
First line:
1. Elementnum beror elem ent set label.
2. Rebarname. Ifthis field is left blank, the stress is applied to all rebars in these elements.
3. Prestress value.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define initial stress in the rebars of various elements or
element sets.
First line:
1. Elementnum beror elem ent set label.
2. Section point number.
3. Valueof first stress component .
4. Value of second stress component.
5. Etc.,up to three stress components.
Give the stress components as defined for this element type in Part VI, “Elements,” of the
ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual. Stress values given on data lines are applied uniformly over
the element. In any element for which an *ORIENTATIONoption applies, the stresses must be
given in the local system (“Orientations,”Section 2.2.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User ’sManual).
Repeat this data line as oftenas neces sary to define initialstresses in various elements or element sets.
Stresses must be defined at all section points within an element.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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