by the distance between points aand b. The line between points aand bdefines the position.
For every value of the -coordinate is defined in a plane per pendicular to the plane defined by
the points a,b,andcandperpendicular to the a xis of the toroidal system. lies in the plane
defined by the points by a,b,andc.
Set TYPE=BLENDED to map via blended quadratics in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis.
First line:
1. X-coordinate of point a(see Figure 14.4–1).
2. Y-coordinate of point a.
3. Z-coordinate of point a.
4. X-coordinate of point b.
5. Y-coordinate of point b.
6. Z-coordinate of point b.
Second line:
1. X-coordinate of point c.
2. Y-coordinate of point c.
3. Z-coordinate of point c.
The following fields are needed only for TYPE=DIAMOND:
4. X-coordinate of point d.
5. Y-coordinate of point d.
6. Z-coordinate of point d.
If TYPE=RECTANGULAR is specifiedand only point ais given, th e coordinates of the nodes in
the set are simply shifted by ,,and .
Third line:
1. Scalefactor to be applied to the first local coordinate before mapping. If the value entered is
zero or blank, a scale factor of 1.0 is assumed.
2. Scalefactor to be applied to the second local coordinate before mapping. If the value entered
is zero or blank, a scale factor of 1.0 is assumed.
3. Scalefactor to be applied to the third local coordinate before mapping. If the value entered is
zero or blank, a scale factor of 1.0 is assumed.
Data lines for TYPE=BLENDED:
First line:
1. Node number of the first control node.
2. X-coordinate of the point to which this control node is to be mapped.
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