17.11 *REBAR LAYER: Define layers of reinforcement in membrane, shell, surface, and
continuum elements.
This option is used to define one or multiple rebar layersin m embrane, shell, and surface elements. It must
be used in conjunction with the *MEMBRANE SECTION, the *SHELL SECTION, or the *SURFACE
SECTIONoption. Rebarlayers in solid (continuum) elements can be defined by embedding a set of surface or
membrane elements with rebar layers in a set of hos t continuum elements through the use of the *EMBEDDED
ELEMENT option.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: Part, Part instance
“Defining reinforcement,” Section 2.2.3 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’sManual
“Embedded elements,” Section 28.4.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’sManual
Optional parameters:
Use this parameter to specify the type of rebar geometry.
Set GEOMETRY=CONSTANT(default) if the rebar spacing in the element is constant. The
spacing is given as a length measure on the data lines.
Set GEOMETRY=ANGULAR if the rebar spacing increases linearly as a function of the
distance measured from the axis of revolution in a cylindrical coordinate system. The spacing is
given as an angular spacing in degrees on the data lines. A cylindrical orientation system must be
defined if this option is usedw iththree-dimensional mem brane,shell, or surface elements.
Set GEOMETRY=LIFT EQUATIONif the rebar spa cing and orientation within the element is
determined by the tire “lift” equation. The rebar parameters are defined with respect to the uncured
or “green” tire configuration, and the lift equation maps the rebar parameters to the cured tire
configuration. The spacing is given as a length m easure on the data lines. A cylindrical orientation
system must be defined if this option is used with three-dimensional membrane, shell, or surface
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