Optional parameters:
This parameter is used with the SHIFT parameter to define thenumber of times the rotation s hould
be applied. The default is MULTIPLE=1.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the node set to which the nodes create db y the operation
will be assigned. This new node set will be unsorted if the OLD SET was unsorted and if the NEW
SET does not already exist. Otherwise, this new node set will be a sorted set.
If this parameter is omitted, the newly created nodes are not assigned to a node set.
Data lines if the SHIFT parameter is included:
First line:
1. Valueof the translation to be applied in the X-dir ection.
2. Valueof the translation to be applied in the Y-dir ection.
3. Valueof the translation to be applied in the Z-dir ection.
Second line:
1. X-coordinate of the first point defining the rotation axis (point ain Figure 14.1–1).
2. Y-coordinate of the first pointdefining the rotation axis.
3. Z-coordinate of the first point defining the rotation axis.
4. X-coordinate of the second point defining the rotation axis (point bin Figure 14.1–1).
5. Y-coordinate of the second point defining the rotation axis.
6. Z-coordinate of the second point defining the rotation axis.
7. Angle of rotation about the axis a–b, in degrees.
Data line if REFLECT=LINE:
First (and only) line:
1. X-coordinate of the first point defining the reflection line (point ain Figure 14.1–2).
2. Y-coordinate of the first point definingthe reflection line.
3. Z-coordinate of the first point definingthe reflection line.
4. X-coordinate of the second point defining the reflection line (point bin Figure 14.1–2).
5. Y-coordinate of the second pointdefining the reflection line.
6. Z-coordinate of the second pointdefining the reflection line.
Data lines if REFLECT=MIRROR:
First line:
1. X-coordinate of the first point defining the reflection plane (point ain Figure 14.1–3).
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