17.6 *RADIATIONVIEWFACTOR: Control cavity radiation and viewfactor calculations.
This option is used to control the calculation of viewfactors during a cav ity radiation analysis.
Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Type: History data
Level: Step
•“Cavity radiation,” Section 32.1.1of the ABAQUS Analysis User ’sManual
Optional parameters:
Set BLOCKING=ALL (default) to specifythat full blocking checks be performed in the viewfactor
Set BLOCKING=NO to specify that no blocking checks be performed in the viewfactor
Set BLOCKING=PARTIAL to specify that partial blocking checks be performed in the
viewfactor calculations. The data lines are then used to specify the potentialblocking surfaces.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the cavity for which radiation viewfactorcontrol is being
specified. If this parameter is om itted, the specification applies to all cavities defined in the model.
Includethis parameter to switch off cavity radiation effects. Cavity radiation effects can be switched
on again by a subsequent use of this option without the OFF parameter. Ifthis parameter is omitte d,
cavity radiation is active.
Set this parameter equal to a distance beyond which viewfactors need not be calculated because
surfaces are judged to be too far apart to “see” each other (due to blocking by other surfaces).
SetREFLECTION=YES (default) to indicate that reflection must be included in the cavity radiation
Set REFLECTION=NO to indicate that reflection is to be ignored in the cavity radiation
calculations. No re��ection corresponds to the special case of black body radiation (see “Cavity
radiation,” Section 2.11.4of the ABAQUS Theory Manual).
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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