19.11 *TRANSPORT VELOCITY: Specify angular transport velocity.
This option is used to define the angular velocity of material transport ed through the mesh of a deformable
body or the transport of material relative to the reference node of a rigid body dur ing a steady-state transport
Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Type: History data
Level: Step
“Steady-state transport analysis,” Section6.4.1 of the ABAQUS A nalysisUser ’sManual
“Symmetric model generation,” Section 10.3.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’sManual
“UMOTION,” Section 1.1.34 of the ABAQUS User SubroutinesReference Manual
Optional parameters:
Set this parameter equal to thenam e ofthe am plitudecurve (defined in the *AMPLITUDE opti on)
that gives the time variation of the velocity throughout the step (“Am plitude curves,” Section 27.1.2
of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual).
If this parameter is omitted, the reference magnitude isapplied im mediately at the beginning
ofthe step or linearly over the step, depending on the value assigned to the AMPLITUDE parameter
on the *STEP option (see “Procedures: overview,” Section 6.1.1of the AB AQUS Analysis User’s
Include this parameter to indicate that the magnitude of the rotational veloc ity will be defined in
user subroutine UMOTION. If this parameter is used, any magnitudes definedby the data lines can
be redefined in the user subroutine.
Data lines to define rotational motion:
First line:
1. Node set label or node number.
2. Magnitude o ft he rotational velocity (in radians/time). This magnitude will be modified by
the *AMPLITUDE specification if the AMPLITUDE parameter is used. For a deformable
body the rotation is assumed to be about the axis defined on the *SYMMETRIC MODEL
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