Optional parameter:
Set OP=MOD (default) to modify existing impedances or to defi ne additional impedances.
Set OP=NEW if all existing impedances applied to the model should be removed. To remove
only selected impedances, use OP=NEW and respecify allim pedancesthat are to be retained.
Data line to define an impedance for PROPERTY,NONREFLECTING=PLANAR, or
First (and only) line:
1. Surface name.
Data line to define an absorbing boundary impedance for NONREFLECTING=CIRCULAR or
First (and only) line:
1. Surface name.
2. , the radius of the circleor sphere defining the absorbing boundary surface.
Data line to define an absorbing boundary impedance for NONREFLECTING=ELLIPTICAL or
First (and only) line:
1. Surface name.
2. Thesem imajor axis, a, of theellipse or prolate spheroid defining the surface. ais 1/2 of the
maximum distance between two points on the ellipseor spheroid, analogous to the radius of a
circle or sphere.
3. Theeccentricity, , of the ellipse or prolate spheroid. The eccentricity is the square root of one
minus the square of the ratio of the minor axis, b, to the major axis, a:.
4. GlobalX-coordinate of the center of the radiating surface.
5. GlobalY-coordinate of the center of the radiating surface.
6. GlobalZ-coordinate of the center of the radiating surface.
7. X-componentof the direction cosine of the major axis of the radiatingsurface. Thecomponents
of this vector need not be normalized to unit magnitude.
8. Y-component of the direction cosineof the m ajoraxis of the radiating surface.
9. Z-component of the direction cosineof the m ajoraxis of the radiating surface.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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