Optional parameters for TYPE=GRIDDED:
Set this parameter equal to the elevation below which point the structure is fullyim mersed for
all time t. If this parameter is omitted, the elevation of the structure is compared against the
instantaneous free surface to check for fluidsurface penetration.
Include this parameter to indicate that quadratic interpolation of the wave data is usedto determine
information between grid points. If this parameter is omitted, linear interpolation is used.
Optional parameter for TYPE=USER:
Include this parameter to make the intermediate configurati on available to user subroutine UWAVE.
Set this parameter equal to a random number seed for use in stochastic analysis. If this parameter is
omitted or is included without a value, a default value of 0.0 is used for the random number seed.
This value is passed into user subroutine UWAVE. It is not used otherwise by ABAQUS/Aqua.
Data line to define Stokes fifth-order waves(TYPE=STOKES):
First (and only) line:
1. Wave height, H.
2. Periodof wave, .
3. Phaseangle, , in degrees.
4. Directioncosines giving the direction of travel of the wave, d. In three-dimensional cases both
x-andy-componentsare needed; in two-dimensional cases only the x-component is used (in
thatcase +1 means the wave travels in the direction of xincreasing, and −1 means a component
traveling in the direction of xdecreasing).
Data lines to define Airy waves (TYPE=AIRY):
First line:
1. Wavecomponent am plitude, .
2. Wavelength of this component, (default), or wave period of this component, (if the
parameter WAVE PERIOD is used).
3. Phase angle of this component, ,in degrees.
4. x-direction cosine defining the direction of the vector (the direction of travel for this
wave component). In three-dimensional cases both x-andy-components are needed; in
two-dimensional cases only the x-component is used (in that case +1.0 means the wave travels
in the direction of xincreasing, and −1.0 means a component traveling in the direction of x
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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