4. X-component of , the velocity of the incident wave standoff point.
5. Y-component of , t he velocity of the incident wave standoff point.
6. Z-component of , the velocity of the incident wave standoff point.
Second line:
1. X-coordinate of , the position of the incident wave source point. Alternatively,speci fy the
name of an *AMPLITUDE definition describing the time history of this coordinate.
2. Y-coordinate of , the position of the incident wave source point. Alternatively, specify the
name of an *AMPLITUDE definition describing the time history of this coordinate.
3. Z-coordinate of , the position of the incident wave source point. Alternatively, specify the
name of an *AMPLITUDE definition describing the time history of this coordinate.
IfTYPE=PLANE, the vector from to defines the direction of the incoming wave; the distance
betweenthe two points is unimportant. Forincident wave loads usingbubble amplitudes, the source
positions defined by the user with the *INCIDENT WAVEPROPERTY option are interpreted as
the initial positions of the source.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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