18.37 *SUBMODEL: Specify driven boundary nodes in submodeling analysis.
This option is used to specify the total list of “driven nodes” for a submodel.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: Part, Part instance, Assembly
“Submodeling,” Section 10.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’sManual
Optional, mutually exclusiveparameters:
Include this parameter if the submodel will be driven at the specifie d surface by the acoustic pressure
from a global coupled acoustic-structural model.
Include this parameter if a solid element submodel wil lb e driven by a global shell model. If this
parameter is included, all driven nodes must be on solid ele ments and must be located in regions
modeledwith shell elements in the global model. Ifthisparameter is included on any *SUBMODEL
option in an input file, it must be included on all *SUBMODEL options in the inp ut file.
Required parameter for SHELL TO SOLID submodeling:
Ifthe OFFSET parameter is not used on the *SHELL SECTION or *SHELL GENERAL SECTION
option in the global model, set this parameter equal to the m aximum value of the shell thickness in
the global model (given in the units used in the model). If the OFFSET parameter is used in the
global model, set this parameter equal to twice the maximum distance from the reference surface
to the top or bottom shell surface.
Optional parameters:
Set this parameter equal to the absolute value (given in the units use d in the model) by which a
driven node of the submodel may lie outside the region of the elements of the global mode l. If
this parameter is not used or has a value of 0.0, the EXTERIOR TOLERA NCE will apply. For
shell-to-solid submodeling the driven node may lie within a region define d by half the value of the
SHELL THICKNESS parameter plus the exterior tolerance.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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