14.4 *NMAP: Map nodes from one coordinate system to another.
This option is used to map a set of nodes from one coordinate system to anothe r.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: This option is not supported in a model defined in terms of an assembly of part i nstances.
“Node definition,” Section 2.1.1 ofthe ABA QUS AnalysisU ser’sManual
Required parameters:
Set this parameter equal to the name of the node set containing the nodes to be mapped. Thenodes
that are mapped are those that belongto this set at the time this option is encountered.
Set TYPE=RECTANGULAR to introduce a simple shift or rotation. Point ain Figure 14.4–1
defines the origin of the local rectangular coordinate system definingthe map. The local -axis
is defined by the line joining points aand b. The local plane is defined by the plane passing
through points a,b,andc.
Set TYPE=CYLINDRICAL to map from cylindrical coo rdinates. Point ain Figure 14.4–1
definest he origin of the local cylindrical coordinate system defining the map. Theline going through
point aand pointbde fines the -axis of the local cylindrical coordinate system. The local plane
for is defined by the plane passing through points a,b,andc.
Set TYPE=DIAMOND to map from skewed Cartesian coordinates. Point ain Figure 14.4–1
defines the origin of the local diamond coordinate system defining the map. Theline going through
point aand point bdefines the -axisof the local coor dinate system. The line going through point
aand point cdefines the -axisof the local coordi nate system. The line going through point aand
point ddefines the -axis of the local coordinate system.
Set TYPE=SPHERICAL to map from spherical coordinates. Point ain Figure 14.4–1 defines
the origin of the local sphericalcoordinate system defining the map. The line goingthrough point
aand point bdefines the polar axis of the local spherical coordinatesystem. The plane passing
through point aand perpendicular to the polar axis defines the plane. The plane passing
through points a,b,andcdefines the local plane.
Set TYPE=TOROIDAL to map from toroidal coordinates. Pointain Figure 14.4–1 defines the
originof the local toroidal coordinate system defining the map. Theaxis of the local toroidalsystem
lies in the plane defined by points a,b,andc.TheR-coordinate of the toroidal system is defined
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