SetCO MBINE=INTERSECTION to create a surface based on the intersectionof two surfaces
of the same type.
Set COMBINE=DIFFERENCE to create a surface based on the differenceof two surfaces of
the same type (the second surface is subtractedfrom the first).
Only the NAME parameter and, in cavity radiation simulations, the PROPERTY parameter
can be used in conjunction with this parameter.
Include this parameter to create a new surface that will contain only those faces from an existing
surface that have nodes in a specified rectangular box.
Only the NAME parameter and, in cavity radiation simulations, the PROPERTY parameter
can be used in conjunction with this parameter.
This parameter can be used with TYPE=SEGMENTS, TYPE=CYLINDER, or TYPE=
REVOLUTION to define a radius of curvature to smooth discontinuities between adjoining
straight-line segments, adjoining circular-arc segme nts, and adjoining straight-line and circular-arc
ABAQUS/CAE uses the INTERNAL parameter toidentify surfaces that are created internally. The
INTERNAL parameter is used only in models defined in terms of an assembly of part instances.
The default is to omit the INTERNAL parameter.
Thisparameter is relevant only for surfaces defined on the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain. A
surface defined in the interiorof an adaptive mesh domain will move independently of the material
unless the surface is constrained by mesh constraints. See “Defining ALE adaptive mesh domains
in ABAQUS/Explicit,” Section 12.2.2 ofthe ABAQU S AnalysisUser ’sManual.
Set REGION TYPE=LAGRANGIAN to create a Lagrangian boundary region. The edge of
a Lagrangian boundary region will follow the material while al lowing adaptive meshing along the
edge and within the interior of the region.
Set REGION TYPE=SLIDING (default) to create a sliding boundary region. The edge of a
sliding boundary regionwill slide over the material. Adaptivemeshing will occur on the edge and
within the interior of the region. Mesh constraints are typically applied on the edge of a sliding
boundary region to fix it spatially.
Set REGION TYPE=EULERIAN to create an Eulerian boundary region. This option is used
to create a boundary region across which material can flow. Meshconstraints must be us ed normal
to an Eulerian boundary region to allow material to flow through the region.If no meshconstraints
are applied, an Eulerian boundary region will behave in the same way a s a sliding boundary region.
Set TRIM=YES to invoke trimming of open free surfaces. Set TRIM=NO to suppress surface
trimming. The default value is TRIM=YES unless the surface is used as a master surface in a
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