When the OVERLAY parameter is included, each increment written overlays the previous
increment, if any, written for the same step. Ifthis parameter is omitte d, data are retained for every
increment. In either case the last increment of every step is retained.
There are no data lines associated with this option.
Using *RESTARTin an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis
•“Restarting an analysis,” Section 9.1.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’sManual
At least one of the following parameters is required:
Include this parameter to specify that this analysis is a restart of a previous analysis. The basic
model definition data (elements, materials, nodes) cannot be changed at such a restart. However,
element sets, node sets, and *AMPLITUDE tables can be added, and history data subsequentto that
part of the history already analyzed canbe changed.
Include this parameter to specify thatrestart data are to be written during the analysis.
Required parameter if the READ parameter is used:
Set this parameter equal to thestep num berat which the restart will be made. Ifthe END STEP and
INTERVAL parameters are omitted, the analysis will resume after thelast interval available in this
Optional parameters if the READ parameter is used:
Include this parameter to specify that the current step should be term inated at this point. The
INTERVAL parameter is required when this parameter is used.
This parameter is useful when the user wishes to redefine the loading hist ory,contact surfac e
definitions, etc.
If this parameter is omitted, ABAQU S/Explicit will continue the analysis from the last
available restart interval to complete the current step as it is defined in the run from which the
restart is being made.
Set this parameter equal to the interval number within the step specified by the STEPparam eter
after which the analysis will resume. The END STEP parameter is required when this parameter is
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