16.28 *PRINT: Request or suppress output to the message file in an ABAQUS/Standard
analysis or to the status file in an ABAQUS/Explicitanalysis.
This option is used to obtain or suppress detailed printout in the message (.msg) file in an ABAQUS/Standard
analysis or in the status (.sta) file in an ABAQUS/Explicitanalysis.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: History data
Level: Step
•“Output,” Section 4.1.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User ’sManual
Optional parameters in ABAQUS/Standardanalyses:
Set ADAPTIVE MESH=YES to request detailed output during adaptive mesh smoothing. The
default is ADAPTIVE MESH=NO.
Set CONTACT=YES to request detailed output of points that are contacting or separating in
interface and gap problems. This output is useful in difficult contact problems to track the
development of the solution duringiteration within an increment. Thedefault is CONTACT=NO.
Set this parameter equal to the output frequency,in increments. Theoutput will always be printed
at the last increment of each step unless FREQUENCY=0. The default is FREQUENCY=1. Set
FREQUENCY=0 to suppress the output.
Set MODEL CHANGE=YES to request detailed output of which elements are being removed
or reactivated in the step. This output includes the new original coordinates and normals of
elements being reactivated strain free in a large-displacement analysis. The default is MODEL
Set PLASTICITY=YES to request detailed output of element an d integration point numbers for
which the plasticity algorithms have failed to converge in the material routines. This output is
useful to determine the locationin the m esh and the plasticitym odel forw hichABA QUS/Standard
is encountering material model difficulties. This information may help in identifying modeling
problems as well as material parameter specification problems. The default is PLASTICITY=NO.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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