Data lines to define rebar in axisymmetric shell elements:
First line:
1. Elementnumber or name of the element set that contains these rebar.
2. Cross-sectionalarea of each rebar.
3. Spacing of rebar in this rebar layer. The default is 1.0.
4. Positionof the rebar in the shell secti ont hickness direction. This value is given as the distanc e
of the rebar from the middle surface of the shell, positive in the direction of the positive normal
to the shell. This value is modified if the NODAL THICKNESS parameter is included with
the *SHELL SECTION option of the underlying shell element.
5. Angular orienta tion of rebar from the meridional plane in degrees (0° is meridional, 90° is
circumferential). Positi ve rotation is about the positive normal to the shell.
6. Radial position at which the spacing of the rebar is measured. If this entry is nonzero, it is
assumed thatthe rebar spacing varies linearly with radial position. Ifthisentry is zero or blank,
the rebar spacing does not vary with position. This entry has no meaning for circumferential
Repeat this data line as often as necessary. Each line defines a layer ofrebar.
Data lines to define rebar in axisymmetric membraneelements:
First line:
1. Elementnumber or name of the element set that contains these rebar.
2. Cross-sectionalarea of each rebar.
3. Spacing of rebar in this rebar layer. The default is 1.0.
4. Angular orienta tion of rebar from the meridional plane in degrees (0° is meridional, 90° is
circumferential). Positive rota tion is about the positive normal to the membrane.
5. Radial position at which the spacing of the rebar is measured. If this entry is nonzero, it is
assumed thatthe rebar spacing varies linearly with radial position. Ifthisentry is zero or blank,
the rebar spacing does not vary with position. This entry has no meaning for circumferential
Repeat this data line as often as necessary. Each line defines a layer ofrebar.
Data lines to define a layer of uniformlyspaced rebar in continuum elements (SINGLE parameter
omitted) when the layer is parallel to two isoparametric directions in the element’s local
(isoparametric) coordinate system (GEOMETRY=ISOPARAMETRIC):
First line:
1. Elementnumber or name of the element set that contains these rebar.
2. Cross-sectionalarea of each rebar.
3. Spacingof rebar. The default is 1.0.
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