14.3 *NGEN: Generate incremental nodes.
This option is used to generate nodes incrementally.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: Part, Part instance
•“Node definition,” Section 2.1.1 ofthe ABA QUS AnalysisU ser’sManual
Optional parameters:
Set LINE=P to generatethe nodes along a parabola. Inthis case the user must define an extra point,
the midpoint between the two end points.
Set LINE=C to generate the nodes along a circular arc. In this case the user must define an
extra point, the center of the circle.
If this parameter is omitted, the nodes will be generated along a stra ight line.
Set this parameter equal to the name of a node set to which the nodes will be assigned. The two
end nodes will also be included in the node set. Node sets created or modified with this option will
always be sorted.
Set SYSTEM=RC (default) to define the extra node in a Cartesian coordinate system. Set
SYSTEM=C to define the extra node in a cylindricalcoordinate system. SetSYSTEM=S to define
the extra node in a spherical coordinate system. See Figure 14.3–1.
Data lines to generate nodes incrementally:
First line:
1. Numberof the first end node (it must have been previously defined).
2. Numberof the second end node (it must have been previously defined).
3. Incrementin the numbers between each node along the line. Thedefault is 1.
4. Number of the third node giving the extra point (if required; it must have been previously
5. First coordinate of the extra point (if required).
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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