Data line to define homogeneous solid elements, infinite elements, acousticelements, or truss
First (and only) line:
1. Enterany attribute values required. The default for the first attribute is 1.0. See the description
in Part VI, “Elements,” of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual of the element type being
used for a definition of the data required.
Data lines to define a composite solid:
First line:
1. Layerthickness. The layer thickness will be adjusted such that the sum of the layer thicknesses
corresponds to the element length in the stack direction.
2. Numberof integration points to be usedthrough the layer. Thisnumbermust be an odd number.
The default is one integration point.
3. Name of them aterial formingthis layer.
4. Nam e of the orientation to be used with this layer or the orientation angle, , (in degrees),
where measured positive counterclockwise relativeto the local direction,
which must be defined on the *ORIENTATION definition.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the properties for each layerof the composite solid.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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