Includethis parameter to indicate that the membrane thickness should not be read from the data lines
butshould be interpolat ed from the thickness specified at the nodes with the *NODAL THICKNESS
Set this parameter equal to the name given for the *ORIENTATION option to be used to define a
local coordinate system for material calculations inthe elem entsin this set.
This parameter is relevant only in a large-deformation analysis. Set it equal to a nonzero value
to cause the thickness to change as a function of membrane strains. The value of the POISSON
parameter must be between −1.0 and 0.5. A value of 0.5 will enforce incompressible behavior of
the element. POISS ON=0.0 means that the thickness will not change.
Setthis parameter equal to MATERIALin an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis to cause the thickness
to change based on the element material definition.
The default is POISSON=0.5 in ABAQUS/Standard and POISSON=MATERIAL in
Data line for a constant thickness membrane:
First (and only) line:
1. Section thickness.
To define a continuouslyvarying thickness membrane:
No data lines are used with this optionwhen the NODAL THICKN ESS parameter is specified; any
value input on the data line will be ignored. Instead, the *NODAL THICKNESS option is used to
define the section thickness.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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