No data lines are required for TYPE=STRESS, USER.
Data lines for TYPE=TEMPERATURE:
First line:
1. Nodeset or node number.
2. First initial temperature value at the node or node set. For shells and beams several values
(or a value and the temperature gradients across the section) can be given at each node
(see “Using a beam section integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior,”
Section 23.3.6 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual; “Using a general beam section to
define the sectionbehavior,” Section 23.3.7 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual; “Using
a shell section integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior,” Section 23.6.5
of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual; and “Using a general shell section to define the
section behavior,”Section 23.6.6 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual). For heat transfer
shells the temperatureat each point through the shell thickness must be specified. The num ber
of values depends on the (maximum) number of points specifie d on the data lines associated
with the *SHELL SECTION options.
3. Second initial temperature value at the node or node set.
4. Etc.,up to seven initial temperature values at this node or node set.
Subsequent lines (only needed if there are more than seventemperature values at any node):
1. Eighth initial temperature value at this node or node set.
2. Etc., up to eight initial temperature values per line.
If more than seven temperature values are needed at any node, continue on the next line. It may
be necessary to leave blank data lines for some nodes if any other node in the m odel has more than
seven temperature points because the total number of temperatures thatA BAQUS expectsto read
for any node is based on the maximum number of temperatu re values of all the nodes in the model.
These trailing initial valueswill be zero and will not be used in the analysis.
Repeat this data line (or set of lines)as o ftenas neces sary to define initial temperaturesat various nodes
or node sets.
No data lines are required for TYPE=TEMPERATURE,FILE=file,STEP=step,INC=inc.
No data lines are required for TYPE=TEMPERATURE,MIDSIDE, FILE=file,STEP=step,INC=inc.
No data lines are required for TYPE=TEMPERATURE,INTERPOLATE, FILE=file,STEP=step,
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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