Set RESIDUAL=YES (default) if the output of equilibrium residuals is to be given during the
equilibrium iterations. Se tR ESIDUAL=NO to suppress the output.
Set SOLVE=YESto request information regarding the actual number of equations and the memory
requirement in each iteration. The default is SOLVE=NO.
Optional parameters in ABAQUS/Explicitanalyses:
Set ALLKE=YES to request that a column containing the total kineti c energy be printed in the status
file. Set ALLKE=NO to suppress this printout. The default is ALLKE=YES.
Set CRITICAL ELEMENT=YES to request that a column listing the element that has the smallest
stable time increment and a column listing the value be printed in the status file. Set CRITICAL
ELEMENT=NO to suppress this printout. The default is CRITICAL ELEMENT=YES.
Set DMASS=YES to request that a column containing the perce nt change in total mass of the model
due to mass scaling be printed in the status file. Set DMASS=NO to suppress this printout. The
default is DMASS=NO unless active mass scaling is present in the s tep. *FIXED MASS SCALING
propagated from a previous step is notconsidered to be active mass scaling.
Set ETOTAL=YES to request that a column containing the energy balance of the model be printed
in the status file. Set ETOTAL=NO to suppress this printout. Thedefault is E TOTAL=NO.
There are no data lines associated with this option.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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